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The Uniroyal Goodrich-Patented Tack Tester is a portable, computer based electromechnical test instrument used to quantitatively evaluate tack of uncured rubbers and compounds. The tester measures tack by bringing together two samples for a short contact time and then separating them. Both the contact time and contact pressure of the sample are controlled.

The Sample holding grips are capable of holding a wide variety of samples. Both fabric-reinforced (i.e. carcass, belt) and non-reinforced (i.e.tread sidewall) stocks can be tested. Therefore, nospecial sample preparation is needed. Contact pressure and contact time are controlled.

A force and time curve can be obtained after each test. Data acquisition and analysis are done by a computer. Printout for each test includes test number, data and time, contact pressure, peak load, peak stress, energy and tack. Normally five (5) specimens of each stock are tested to get the average values.

The Task Tester is used by UGTC tyre plants for tack surbeillance of comounds an d tyre components. A typical example for tyre plant tack chart is shown in Figure 6. We have found excelent correlations between tack values obtained by using the Tack Tester and tyre building experience.


Introduced last year by Monsanto for rubber industry applications, the MDR represents combination of some of the latest technologies in precision controls and data acquisition systems.

It measures the cure charcteristics (2)of rubber compounds by using a pressurized, sealed rotorless, moving die system. The bottom die oscillates. throuth a selected arc, at 100 cpm (1.66 Hiz) and the upper die, equipped with a torque transducer, measures the torque generated by sample as it cures. A sample is sealed in a cavity formed by dies that are now heated rapidly to provide fast thermal recovery. The actual die temperatures are displayed at the end of the test. The foce-measuring system is redesigned completely.

The equipement is capable of providing torque values at 16 different times for a given curve. Besides providing classic curemeter data and torque-time curve, the MDR generates dynamic mechnical properties through continuous measures of stroage modulus (E’) and loss modulus (E’’). TanÔ (E”/E’) values can also be obtained. The E’ curve is the analogue of th e classic Oscillating Disc Rheometer (ODR) torque time curve. For a given test, any two (of E’,E”, and tanÔ) can be plotted simultaneously as the sample cures. See Figure 7.

Figure 7. MDR S’ and Tan Ô Curves.

MDR is good quality control tool. The statistical system stores and analyses data and plots on the control chart. The operator can transmit any part of the data to another location, e.g. control room; or can receive messages from a remote computer for display.

Because of rapid thermal recovery of dies, the MDR had been identified to generate cure curves 20-40% faster.



One can call it almost a unversal test instrument for dynamic mechnical property testing of materials. It provides the ability to test under extensional deformation in either tension/compression at adjustable strain rate or in oscillation when both firquency and wave form can be selected. Testing may be performed in load, displacement or strain control.

The type of materials that can be tested on this tester includes rubbers, plastics, composites, theirmosetting resins, testiles and metals. The test specimen geometry can be a strip, dumbbell, rod, solid cylinders, or hollow cylinders; depending on the type of material property needed.

MTS 831 is the latest in this series of dynamic mechanical testers. It used the IBM computer for data acquisition and data analysis. Frequency operating range is 0-1000 Hz, and test temperature range is-100 to+300 C. Temperature and frequency sweeps are available. Storge modulus (E’), loss modulus (e”), complex modulus (E*), tan (E”/E’), storage compliance (J’), loss comliance (J”), and damping coefficients (c) can be measured. Control limits. (pass, fail) can be set up for any combination of these properties for quality control purpose. See Table I.


Specimen ID SAMPLE A
Test Date Aprii 6, 1989    
Start Time 10:33:38 Diameter (mm) 16.72
End Time 10:34:21 Height (mm) 25.12
Comments: TESTED AT 70 C    
  E’ (MPa) E” (MPa) Tan Delta
1 9.362E+00 Pass 1.316E+00 Pass 1.40E-01 Pass
2 8.57E+00 Fail 1.188E+00 Fail 1.474E-01 Pass
3 7.375E+00 Fail .106E+00 Fail 1.500E-01 Pass


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