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Research Institute In India

University of Madras - Departments

Department of Polymer Science

Guindy Campus

22200573, 22351259, 22351367, 22350401,
22200572, 22351137, 22200570, 22200574 Ext No: 228

The History

The intense specialisation of the Department on Polymers has resulted in the creation of Department of Polymer Science in 1983 Keen research of this department pertain to synthesis of dendritic and hyper-branched polymers, Ziegler-Natta Polymerization, Polyurethanes, Polymer Chemistry, modification of Polymers, Synthesis and characterisation of new polymers and bio-polymers.
The consultancy potential of the department exists in the areas of Polyurethanes, Polymer synthesis, Polymer composites and metal containing polymers.


Well equiped laboratory including, electronic analytical balance, rotary evaporator, computers, etc.

Courses Offered

M.Sc. in Polymer Science


Dr. A. Sultan Nazar, Ph.D
Reader and Head i/c

Dr. Harichandran, Ph.D

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Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi

Polymer Science & Engineering

The Centre for Polymer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi is one of the
foremost and best in the country in terms of the expertise and facilities
available for fundamental research and teaching in the emerging area of
Polymers and other related interdisciplinary areas. The Principal thrust of
the Centre are manpower development and research for enhancing the
fundamental knowledge as well as developing new polymer materials.

Undergraduate Programs

Course Code Courses Credits
PS 391M
PS 392M
PS 490M
PS 493M
PS 494M
EP 492S
PS 496M

PS 498M
Introduction To Polymeric Materials
Rheology And Processing Of Polymers
Polymerisation Processes And Kinetics
Performance Properties Of Polymers
High Performance Polymers
Major Project Part2
Design Of Products And Mould/Dies For Plastics
Polymer And Rubber Technology


Postgraduate Programs

Interdisciplinary M.Tech in Polymer Science And Technology


Madras Institute Of Technology

Rubber And Plastic Technology Department

The division of Rubber Technology at MIT Campus of Anna University was started in the year 1988. It offers a B.Tech., Degree Course in Rubber Technology. The curriculum is so structured as to impart a good blend of knowledge in science, engineering and management skills to the students. Six weeks of industrial training is compulsory for the award of the B.Tech. Degree, apart from the main project and two design projects which each student is expected to carry ut in the final year of study. So far seven batches of students have passed out with most of the students occupying good positions in various rubber and allied industries. A few of them have gone for higher studies within the country and abroad.



 B.Tech Rubber and Plastic Technology Engineering (full time) 8 semesters


  • Rubber toughened thermosets
  • Life estimation of polymers and polymer products
  • Polymer recycling
  • Fracture mechanics in composites
  • High performance Polymers
  • Materials for tooling
  • Nano composites


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Cochin University of Science and Technology

Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology

The Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology (estd. 1971) is one of the pioneers in the area of education and research in Polymer Science and Engineering.


Polymer Science and Rubber Technology - 8 Sem. -

Polymer Technology  - 4 Sem


Phone: 91-484-2575723
Fax: 91-484-2577747

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The Mumbai University Institute of Chemical Technology

Polymer Engineering & Technology Department

This division offered initially a B.Sc(Tech) course for two years in Technology of Plastics and Technology of Paints, Pigments and Varnishes. In 1952, along with other divisions the B.Sc(Tech) program of three years was introduced. Dr. T.N.Mehta was the only staff member initially. Later on, the division progressed under stewardship of Late Professor N.R.Kamath who was a visionary.

Courses Offered:

  • B. Tech in Polymer Engineering and Technology
  • B. Tech in Paints Technology
  • M.Tech. Polymer Engineering and Technology
  • M.Tech. Paints Technology
  • M.Sc. (By Research)
  • Ph.D. (Tech.)
  • Ph.D. (Applied chemistry)

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Indian Rubber Institute (Kerala Branch)

Indian rubber Institute (IRI) is an organization of thought leaders involved in the endorsement of education and training in the field of rubber and allied materials.


The vision of IRI, Kerala branch is to provide a forum of academicians and industry specialists to address the technical issues of small-scale industries and to provide a forum for the training and education of those who are working in the field of rubber and allied materials.


The institute organizes various programmes like lecture sessions, work shops and interim courses with the help of

1. Rubber Research institute of India (RRII)
2. Indian Institute of technology Khargpur (IITK)
3. Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT)

R&D affiliations and collaborations

1. The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. To know about programs in Rubber go to

2. The Rubber Research Institute of India. To know more about programs in Rubber go to

3. Cochin University of Science and Technology. To know more about programs in Rubber, go to     

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

With the aid of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the centre was established under the Colombo Plan (UK Government) and Technical Collaboration mission (USA Government). Initially a part of Applied Chemistry, in 1981, it became an independent Centre and acquired advanced Processing and Testing equipment from Indo-British, Indo-French collaborative programmes and also a large research projects by CSIR, DST, ICAR, BARC, ISRO etc.

Programmes :

Programme:  MS (Rubber Technology)

Programme:  M.Tech. - Rubber Technology
Duration: 2 years.

Programme:  Ph.D. (Rubber Technology)

Rubber Technology Centre

Head : Prof. A K Bhowmick
Phone (Head's chamber) : +91-3222-282292
Office : +91-3222-282291
Phone (Chamber) : +91-3222-283180
Phone (Residence) : +91-3222-283181, +91-3222-277461
Email : anilkb @

Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Polymeric & Rubbery Materials   

Jan 15 - 19, 2007

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Institute of Technology - Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

The Department of Industrial Chemistry was started in the erstwhile Science College in the year 1921. Till 1928, only one year diploma course in Industrial Chemistry was offered. In 1928, a two - year course leading to B. Sc.( Industrial Chemistry) degree was also introduced. Later, in 1935 a two year post graduate course leading to M. Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) was also started.

UG level
Polymer Science and Technology (Core Course, Theory and Practical)

PG level
Polymer Science and Engineering (Elective Course)

Thrust Areas of Research
Polymer Technology

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Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), PUNE - INDIA


Polymeric materials such as plastics, rubbers, fibers, paints, adhesives, etc. are gradually replacing conventional materials like paper, wood, glass, metals, cement, etc. Several house hold articles, components used in automobiles, electronics, building construction and other industries are now fabricated from polymeric materials. This change has brought about a phenomenal growth of the polymer industry during the last few decades involving the developments on materials technology, processing technology, machinery, and applications research and product design. This has led to a relatively new and specialized field of technical studies known as “Polymer Engineering”.

Prof. (Dr.) P. S. Joshi

M.E.(Plastics Engg.)Ph.D.

Ph # 0091 20 543 2767 / 543 1795 Ext: 401
E-mail :



Related to Polymer Engineering:

  • Polymer Structure Property Relationship:
    • It covers effect of chemical composition and molecular flexibility o various properties of polymers. It also coves polymer structure development during processing, different transitions of polymers, Visco-elasticity of polymers (deformation, creep, relaxation & recovery etc.)
  • Polymer Multiphase Systems:
    • Introduction to polyblend, advantages of blends over conventional polymers, blend morphology and rheology of polymers.
    • Fundamentals of polymer composites. Different types of polymer composites. Different reinforcements and matrices. Methods of manufacture such as hand lay-up, spray lay-up etc. Application of polymer composites.
  • Mould & Die Design:
    • Injection mould design – two plate mould, three plate mould. Exclusive design of sprue, runner, gates ejection mechanism, cooling system.
    • Hot runner mould, blow mould deign.
    • Extrusion die design, mould fabrication, material of construction, machining & manufacturing.
  • Product Design:
    • Procedure & steps flowchart in product design. Design methods using deformation data, effect of temperature, stress concentration etc.
    • Plastic material selection based on properties, function, processing, economy- material cost processing cost, value analysis.
    • Illustration of above by moulded products.
    • Introduction to moulding simulation of processing operations.

 Related To Processing:

  • Polymer Rheology and Processing:
    • Rheology – Models to represent behaviour of polymer liquids, Visco-elastic behaviour, flow analysis of polymer liquids through various geometries. Behaviour of flow of polymer melt in shear & elongation flow etc.
    • Processing – introduction to compounding, extrusion, injection moulding processes. Analysis flow of polymer melt in extrusion & injection moulding process.
  • Polymer Processing Operations – 1 & 2
    • Basic principle & analysis of compression and transfer moulding; flow rate, compaction force for moulding, moulding cycle, moulding defects – cause & remedies.
    • Types of presses, specifications.
    • Extrusion, blow moulding, thermoforming, specialised injection moulding process.
    • Analysis of calendaring, rotational moulding, fibre spinning.
    • Analysis of mould temperature rise heat & melt flow, recycling, other processing operations i.e. dip coating, slush moulding, solid phase forming etc. Finishing operations – machining, printing, decorating methods for polymers.

 Related To Polymer Science:

  • Polymer chemistry – 1 & 2:
    • Functionality, various polymerisation techniques, effect of molecular weight, gelation & cross linking in detail.
    • Copolymerisation, Ionic polymerisation, Co-ordination polymerisation, Block & graft copolymers. Chemistry of thermosetting polymers, Solid State polymerisation.
    • Advanced polymerisation techniques using Ziegler-Natta catalysts, metallocenes etc.
  • Polymer Materials – 1 & 2:
    • Thermoplastics & Thermo set polymers.
    • Commodity plastics, engineering plastics, high performance plastics, cellulosics, acrylics etc.
    • Thermosetting polymers and polymer additives.
    • Formulations, compounding, properties of cured resin and applications.
    • Elastomeric materials – raw rubber technology, compounding, vulcanization, outline of latex rubber technology.
    • Manufacturing compounding, and curing behaviour along with properties and applications.

 Related To Polymer Thermodynamics:

  • Polymer Thermodynamics & Reaction Engineering:
    Thermodynamic criteria of phase equilibrium, properties of ideal & non-ideal solutions, polymer – solvent miscibility, LCST, UCST.

 Polymer Technology – Advanced Topics:

  • Speciality Polymers.
  • Fibre technology.
  • Elastomer Technology.
  • Mathematical Methods for Polymer Engineering.

 Chemistry Oriented Subjects:

  • Inorganic & Organic Chemistry.
  • Industrial Chemistry.
  • Physical Chemistry.

 Chemical Oriented Subjects:

  • Process Calculation.
  • Chemical Engineering Operations.
  • Instrumentation & Process Control.

 Basic Core Subjects

  • Fluid Mechanics.
  • Strength of Materials.
  • Materials & Production Technology.
  • Heat Transfer.
  • Engineering Mathematics - 1.
  • Engineering Mathematics - 2.
  • Engineering Mathematics – 3.
  • Design of Equipments & Machine Elements

The Objectives and Goals of the Department

Long term goals:-

 To be amongst the best institute to offer this course in India as well as abroad.

 To establish post graduates courses in the dept like ME Polymer.

 To make the department well equipped for undergraduate as well as post graduate requirement in academics and have latest books and journals of the concerned subjects and highly qualified and experienced staff.

 To have cost effective testing facilities for small scale and medium scale industries and have a better rapport regarding employment opportunities.

Short range goals :-

 To add latest equipment and upgrade the existing equipments.

 To initiate module course in thrust areas like– processing of plastics, testing of plastics, composites etc.

 To establish better rapport with industries.


Rubber Technology

Not many in India are aware of rubber technology, and still less consider it as a career option, although there are about 6,000 rubber units in the country. Rubber is a natural product, which is, produced by various techniques to make it useable by various industries for production of different end products. The most essential end product is tyre right from high tech aircraft tyre and formula 1 can racing to tyre for bicycles. Rubber is processed and then moulded into the required shape. Treated or processed rubber is also used various other and products like those used in various industries, car decoration, etc.

Eligibility :
10+ 2 in science stream

Job Prospects:

The tyre industry holds out a good number of opportunities for the rubber technologists. Internationally well known companies like Apollo tyres, MRF, Ceat, JK industries employ many rubber technologists. Besides the tyre industry, jobs are also available with various rubber-processing units.

  • BIT, Mesra, Ranchi.

Polymer Engineering

About Us - A Brief Introduction

The Department of Polymer Engineering was established in 1994, recognizing the potential of this emerging field of Technology. The department currently offers a four years undergraduate programmes leading to the B.E. in Polymer Engineering and M.E. in Polymer Engineering, the only course of its kind in the Eastern India. The course is approved by the AICTE. The annual sanctioned in-take for the B.E. course is 30 and 18 for the M.E. students. Presently there are six foreign students pursing the undergraduate programme. They have been deputed from a Plastics Processing Industry in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The M.E. in Polymer Engineering will be started from July 2005. The Department also provides facilities for Doctoral Research in the fields of Polymer Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering. The department has modern and sophisticated laboratory and workshop facilities.

The department has conducted several UGC and AICTE funded projects. The Department has conducted several short term courses on "Skill and Entrepreneurship Development in Plastics Processing". The Department of Polymer Engineering coordinates a "Design Development and Training Centre in Plastics Engineering" which has been set up as a Joint Venture of Department of Industries, Government of Jharkhand and BIT Mesra. The Centre offers courses for Plastics Processing Machine Operator, Mould Making Technician, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, as well as Consultancy and Testing facility. The Department coordinates an Integrated Industrial Training Programme at a Plastics Processing Industry, Amiantit Oman, Muscat.

Dr. (Mrs.) M. Mukherjee
HOD, Department of Polymer Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology
Mesra, Ranchi-835 215, Jharkhand

Bachelor of Engineering

  -> Polymer Engineering (4 yrs.)

Master of Engineering

-> Polymer Engineering (2 yrs.)

For More Details :-

  • Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin (Kerala).

Cochin University of Science and Technology

Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology

The Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology (estd. 1971) is one of the pioneers in the area of education and research in Polymer Science and Engineering.


Polymer Science and Rubber Technology - 8 Sem. -

Polymer Technology  - 4 Sem


Phone: 91-484-2575723
Fax: 91-484-2577747

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  • UDCT, Mumbai (Maharasatra).

The Mumbai University Institute of Chemical Technology

Polymer Engineering & Technology Department

This division offered initially a B.Sc(Tech) course for two years in Technology of Plastics and Technology of Paints, Pigments and Varnishes. In 1952, along with other divisions the B.Sc(Tech) program of three years was introduced. Dr. T.N.Mehta was the only staff member initially. Later on, the division progressed under stewardship of Late Professor N.R.Kamath who was a visionary.

Courses Offered:

  • B. Tech in Polymer Engineering and Technology
  • B. Tech in Paints Technology
  • M.Tech. Polymer Engineering and Technology
  • M.Tech. Paints Technology
  • M.Sc. (By Research)
  • Ph.D. (Tech.)
  • Ph.D. (Applied chemistry)

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  • Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur.

Department of Plastics and Polymer Technology

This department started in 1996.

For More Details :-

  • M.I.T., Anna University, Chennai (Tamil Nadu).

    Madras Institute Of Technology

    Rubber And Plastic Technology Department

    The division of Rubber Technology at MIT Campus of Anna University was started in the year 1988. It offers a B.Tech., Degree Course in Rubber Technology. The curriculum is so structured as to impart a good blend of knowledge in science, engineering and management skills to the students. Six weeks of industrial training is compulsory for the award of the B.Tech. Degree, apart from the main project and two design projects which each student is expected to carry ut in the final year of study. So far seven batches of students have passed out with most of the students occupying good positions in various rubber and allied industries. A few of them have gone for higher studies within the country and abroad.



     B.Tech Rubber and Plastic Technology Engineering (full time) 8 semesters

    RESEARCH AREAS          

    • Rubber toughened thermosets
    • Life estimation of polymers and polymer products
    • Polymer recycling
    • Fracture mechanics in composites
    • High performance Polymers
    • Materials for tooling
    • Nano composites

    For More Details :


  • Kamaraj College of Engg. & Technology, Virudhunagar, (Tamil Nadu).


KCET college is one of the three colleges in Tamil Nadu offering the four year B.Tech Polymer Technology course. The curriculum covers Polymer chemistry, Polymer Characterization, Polymeric materials, Processing, Testing and designing like CAD, CAM.

KCET department consists of totally 13 faculties with three doctorates and remaining PG qualified staff with different specialization. The syllabus to cater to the needs of the industry is well taught to the students by the efficient staff members.

In-order to know the chemistry of Polymer Synthesis, lab has been developed with necessary equipments for polymer preparation and also various analytical instruments like Fourier Transform Infra Red ( FTIR ) spectroscopy , Ultra Violet (UV) spectrophotometer and Flame photometer

To get real exposure in manufacturing, lab is fully equipped with modern machineries for different moulding operations like Fully Automatic Injection Moulding M/c, Fully Automatic Blow Moulding M/c, Semi-Automatic Injection Moulding M/c, Compression Moulding, Extruder and Two Roll Mills,etc.

Testing lab is equipped with sophisticated instruments for various testing of polymers viz. Mechanical, Thermal, Optical, Electrical like Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Melt flow index, HDT / VSP, Dielectric strength, Impact Tester, Hardness Tester, Refractometer, Glossmeter

B.Tech. Polymer Technology

For  More Details:-

  • DMSRDE, Kanpur.
  • M.I.T., Pune (Maharasatra).

  • Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantpur, (Andhra Pradesh).


1. Year of Establishment of the Department:                     1985

2. A Brief history of Department:  

Anantapur is one of the districts which is suitable for starting polymer industries which require only minimum amount of water and electricity.   Keeping this objective  in view, the course viz., M.Sc., in polymer science was started in 1981 with the help of some staff members in the Departments of Chemistry and Physics.  In 1985, a separate department of Polymer Science was established.   

3. Names and Designations of the Staff. 

1.      Dr A. Varada Rajulu, Professor.

2.      Dr S. Venkata Naidu, Professor.

3.      Dr N. Subbarami Reddy, Associate Professor.

4.      Dr K. Chowdoji Rao, Associate Professor.

5.      Dr K. Mohana Raju, Associate Professor.

4. Courses offered by the department:       M.Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D.

6.      Titles of the papers offered:

M.Sc., Level                                 1. Fundamental concepts of Polymer Science.

                                                      2. Mechanism of Polymerization and Stereo-

                                                          chemical aspects of polymers.

                                                      3. Physico-chemical aspects of Polymer Science.

                                                      4. Physical properties of polymers.

                                                      5. Principles of Polymer Technology.

                                                      6. Characterization  of Polymers.

                                                      7. Industrial Polymers.

                                                      8. Advanced Polymer Technology.

                                                      9. Polymer Surface Coating (Special paper)   

Practicals                                     1. Analysis of monomers and synthesis of    

                                                          Monomers and certain polymers.

                                                      2. Characterization.

                                                      3. Synthesis and analysis of Polymrs.

                                                      4. Characterization and testing of Polymers. 

Ph.D.                                            1. Research Methodology

                                                      2. Special Topics (Choosen by the candidate)

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entral Institute For Plastics Engineering and Technology

Development of bio-degradable Polymers, testing & evaluation

Master of Technology in Plastics Engineering (M.Tech-PE) – 2 years

Entry Qualification
B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc., Engg. In ech./Chem./Prodn./Polymer/Tool Engg./M.Sc. in Polymer Science/Chemistry

Maximum Age : 35 Years

Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics Engineering (PGD-PE) – 1 Year

Entry Qualification
B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc., Engg. In Mech./Chem./Prodn./Polymer/Tool Engg./Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Petrochemical/Electrical/Mecha-tronics or equivalent.

Maximum Age : 26 Years

Post Graduate Diploma in CAD/CAM for Plastics Engineering (PGD- Cad PE) –1 year

Entry Qualification
B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc., Engg. In Mech./Chem./Prodn./Polymer/Tool Engg./Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Petrochemical/Electrical/Mecha-tronics or equivalent

Maximum Age : 26 Years

Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics Processing & Testing (PGD-PPT) –1½ Years

Entry Qualification
A 3 Year Degree in Science with Chemistry

Maximum Age : 24 Years

Post Diploma in Plastics Mould Design (PD-PMD) – 1 Year

Entry Qualification
A 3 Year Diploma in Mech/ Plastics/Chem Tech./Tool/ Production Engg/ Mechatronics/ Automobile Engg/Tool & Die making/ CIPET DPMT Equivalent or equivalent

Maximum Age : 24 Years

Post Diploma in Machine Maintenance (PD-MM) – 1 Year

Entry Qualification
A 3 Year Diploma in Mech./ Elect./Electronics Engg./ Mechatronics/Instrumentation Engg/Tool & Die making/CIPET-DPMT or equivalent

Maximum Age : 24 Years

Diploma / Post Diploma in Plastics Mould Technology - Integrated programme (DPMT /PD-PMT)

Entry Qualification
X Std. With Maths, Science and English

Maximum Age : 18 Years

Diploma / Post Diploma in Plastics Technology – Integrated Programme (DPT/PD-PT)

Entry Qualification
X Std. With Maths, Science and English

Maximum Age : 18 Years

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore

Polymers are making inroads into every aspect of life—automobiles, building, packaging, domestic appliances, medicine, agriculture, aerospace, information technology, marine, sports, etc. For instance, the consumption of plastics which was 2.2 MT in 1997 is expected to increase to 7.7 MT in 2008. Polymers have moved from the ‘commodity’ material category to ‘engineering’ materials and are candidates for ‘specialty’ materials. The increasing consumption of polymer materials, their unique and multifaceted characteristics and the versatile application range of these materials have created the need for specially trained personnel.

Polymer Engineering Department was conceived and formed in 1999 to cater to the increasing demands of the polymer industry [plastics and rubbers, in particular] for suitably trained manpower. The Department is manned by experienced, energetic and young faculty and has excellent laboratory facilities in the areas of polymer processing and characterization.


Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)
Admission :: Syllabus

What is special about the Polymer Engineering course at AIT ?
The curriculum is sharply focussed to meet the needs of modern polymer industry in India, which is undergoing a revolution. It helps students to acquire the cutting edge of technology to face competition and to kindle innovation. It helps students interested in R&D work, (both in industry and in institutions) to take advantage of the enormous opportunities for creative work in the fascinating field of plastics like Designer Polymers and Molecular Architecture.Designer polymers are a class of polymers that are designed to perform specialized functions by tinkering with their structure at the molecular level. This molecular level tinkering of polymer structure to elicit a specific function is referred to as tailoring or designing of polymers.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Department of Polymer chemistry

One among the very first statutory departments constituted by the Mahatma Gandhi University (erstwhile Gandhiji University) the academic programs of the school of chemical sciences (SCS) were initiated from the very inception of the university. Known initially as Department of Polymer chemistry which offered only one M.Sc. program, SCS has now diversified and widened its academic activities realizing the significance of chemistry as the central science and the need for the development of all aspects of teaching and research in chemistry. At present the school offers four different M.Sc. programs along with M.Phil and Ph.D programs covering all branches of chemistry and polymer science.

B.Tech (8 s)
Eligibility: 50% marks for PDC Part III (P., C., M) and 50% for Maths. /law 50 x 55 (50 pass - 55 University Law)

Polymer (48)

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Regional Research Stations

1. Central Experiment Station
Deputy Director (Research)
Chethackal, Ranni,Thompikandom PO – 689 676
Phone: 0473 – 526130

2. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Padiyoor P O, Pin - 670 703
Phone: 0498-273003

3. Regional Research Station
Dapchari - 401 610
Phone: 0251-20071

4. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Dhenkanal - 759 001
Phone: 06762-34946

5. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Sukma - 494 111

6. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Grassmore, Nagrakata, Jalpaiguri - 735 225

West Bengal
Phone: 03565-72316

7. Research Complex (N.E Region)
Rubber Board, Beltola - Basista Road, Housefed Complex, Dispur - 781 006
Phone: 0361-228220, 228245
Fax: 0361-228147

8. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Balukiatilla, Kunjaban - 799 001
Phone: 0381-352354
Fax: 0381-353149

9. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Near AIR Quarters, Dakobgre, P.B. No.26, Tura - 794 001, West Garo Hills
Phone: 03651-42413

10. Regional Research Station
Rubber Board, Koalsib - 796 081
Phone: 03837-20357

11. Hevea Breeding Sub Station
Rubber Board, College Road, Kadaba - 574 221
D.K. Dt.
Phone: 08251-60336
Fax: 08251-60336

12. Hevea Breeding Sub Station
Rubber Board, Thadikarankonam P O, Pin - 629 851
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 04652-289119

  Rubber Engineering

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