A new kind of v-belt cord has been developed by our company, It is the substitute for traditional polyester fiber cord. It is an overall solid core untwisted structure, The product has the advantage of mean load, no shearing, anti-loosen, no stretching, flex resistance, high strength and good adhesion etc, The service life of belt made of it is 5-10 times increased. It has been widely used in transmission belt, medium and small size conveyor belt, it also has entered the testing phase in hose and tyre industry.
We can supply some samples to you for testing, and I’m sure you will be surprised and excited of my product.
Contact Us : www.indiarubberdirectory.com C/o Team Web Power, No.52, First Floor, Anna Nagar Plaza, C-47, IInd Avenue, Anna
Nagar, Chennai 600040. India.
Phone:- +91-44-42170137 Mobile:- +91-9444001705