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Argentine Federation of the Rubber industry
Av. Leandro N. Alem
1067, Buenos. Aires
C.P.1001, Argentina
Tel: +54 1 313 2009/2140/2192
Fax: +54 1 312 9892

Rubber Institute of Resario
Tel: +54 41 587110
Fax: +54 41 264020

Sociedad Latinoamericana
De Tecnologia del Cauch
Leaudro N Alem 1067,
Buenos. Aires, Argentina
Tel: +54 292 7372/283 1939
Fax: +54 292 7372/283 1939

Australian Rubber Product Manufacturers' Assoication
24 Camberwell Road,
Hawthorn, Victoria
3122, Australia

Australian Tyre Manufacturers' Association
GPO Box 1836, Canberra,
ACT, 2601, Australia
Tel: +61 2 6247 0917
Fax: +61 2 6248 9365

Plastics and Rubber Institute of Australia
Mr. Lan Le Page, 28 Clauscen Street, Lower
Templestowe, Victoria 3107, Australia
Tel: +61 3 850 3986
Fax: +61 3 852 0197

Rubber Manufacturers' Association of Australia
83 Walpole Street, kew,
Victoria, 3101, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9853 7980
Fax: +61 3 9853 7796

Osterreichisches Kunstoffinstitut
Arseral, objekt 213, Vienna, A-1030, Austria
Tel: +43 1 7981601
Fax: +43 1 7981601 8

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
Industrial Sectors Austria
Vienna, A-1400, Austria
Tel: +43 1 211 310
Fax: +43 1 232 156

Association Belge de I' Industrie Caoutchouc
Square Marie Louise, 49,
Bruxelles, 1000, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 238 97 78
Fax: +32 2 230 03 89

Bureau de Liaison des Industries du Caoutchouc
I'Union Europeene
Avenue des Arts. No 2, Bruxelles, 1210, Belgium.
Tel: +32 2 218 49 40
Fax: +32 2 218 61 62

European Chemical Industry Council
Avenue E. van Nieuwenhuyse 4.
Bruseles, B-1160
Tel: +32 2 676 72 09
Fax: +32 2 676 73 88

European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
Avenue Brugman 32,
Brussels. 1160 Belgium,
Tel: +32 2 344 4059
Fax: +32 2 344 1234

European Tyre Recycling Association
19 Avenue de la Folle Chanson,
brussels, 1050, Belgium.
Tel: +32 2 649 79 15
Fax: +32 2 649 87 50

Associacan Brasileria das  Industrias de Artefatosde Borracha
Av. Paulista 1313,
Sao paulo-SP, CEP 01311, Brazil
Tel: +55 11 251 2999
Fax: +55 11 289 2419

Associacao Nacional da Industria de Pneumaticos
Av. Paulista 2439, Sao Paulo, CEP 01311, Brazil
Tel: +55 98 228 9388
Fax: +55 98 282 9256

Brazilian Institute for the Environment and  Reonewable Natural Resources
SAIN Via L-4, Brasilia DF.
CEP 70.800-200, Brazil
Tel: +55 61 316 1001/316 1003
Fax: +55 61 316 1025

Confedracao National DA Agricultura Commission on Natural Rubber,
Brasilia DF, CEP 70.040-908, Brazil
Tel: +55 61 225 31 50
Fax: +55 61 225 2420

Instituto Brasiler do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Natuais renovaveis
SAS Lote 5, Brasilia DF, Brazil
Fax: +55 61 226 5588

National Research Center for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology
SAIN - Parque Rural - CP 02372,
Brasilia DF,CEP 70.770-849, Brazil
Tel: +55 61 3403500 or +55 61 3403501
Fax: +55 61 3403502 or +55 61 340 3624

Institute of Polymers
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Sofia, 1113,

Direction Generale des Plantation d' Heveas
No. 25 Eo Rue 208,
Phnom Penh. Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 27498
Fax: +855 23 27498

Cameroon Development Corporation
Bota-Limbe, Fako Division, S W Province,
Tel: +237 43 18 83/43 18 85
Fax: +237 43 17 46/43 17 35

Chemical Institute of Canada
130 Slater Street, Ottawa,
Ontario, KIP 6E2, Canada,
Tel: +1 613 232 6252
Fax: +1 613 232 5862

Rubber Association of Canada
89 Queensway West,
Missisauga, Ontario, L 5B 2V2, Canada
Tel: +1 905 270 8322
Fax: +1 905 270 2640

Asociaction de Industrales de la Goma
Alameda B'do O' Higgins 1555, Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56 2 698 6124
Fax: +56 2 696 5541

Chinese Academy of Tropical
Agricultural Sciences
Baodao Xincun, Danzhou, Hainan-571737.
China People's Republic
Tel: +86 890 330 0157
Fax: +86 890 330 0157 / 0776

Department of State Farms
Ministry of Agriculture,
Beijing, 100026,
China People's Republic
Tel: +86 1 500 1285
Fax: +86 1 500 2448

Institute of Rubber and Chemical
Fengbidian, Beijing-100039,
China People's Republic
Tel: +86 10 682 12211
Fax: +86 10 682

Research & Design Institute of the Rubber Industry
China People's Republic
Tel: +86 10 818 2211
Fax: +86 10 818 7428

Synthethic Rubber Technology Development
Center of SINOPE
Heshui Northern Road
No. 1, Lanzhou, Gansu,
730060, China People's Republic
Tel: +86 931 555368
Fax: +86 931 555368

The President-Director General
01 BP 7572, Abidjan, 01,
Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: +225 21 4464
Fax: +225 22 1711

01 BP 6483, Abidjan, 01, Cote d' Ivoire
Tel: 225 211 625 or +225 221 859
Fax: +225 214 368

The Monsieur le ndirecteur IDEFOR-DPL
01 BP 1536, Abidjam, 01, Cote d' Ivoire
Tel: +225 45 41 76
Fax: +225 21 43 68

Danmarks Gummiteknolo;giske Forening
C/o LDKemi, Horsholm,
DK 2970, Denmark
Tel: +45 4218 78 88
Fax: +45 4218 86 02

C/o Roulunds Fabriker-
Hestehaven, Odense S, DK 5260, Denmark
Tel: +45 6311 5000
Fax: +45 6591 2394

Arab Federation of Tire and Rubber Industires
PO Box 191, Alexandria, Egypt
Tel: +203 448 2471 - 2472
Fax: +203 448 2471 - 2472

Finland Gummitekniska Forening
C/o Stowe Woodward, kerava, FIN 042 61.
Tel: +358 9 2941 033
Fax: +358 9 2941 275

Rubber Maufacturers' Association of Finland
Etelaranta 10, Helsinki
00130, Finland
Tel: +358 9 172 841
Fax: +358 9 666 561

Institut Francais du Caoutchouc
13 rue Notre Dame des Victoires.
Paris, 75002, France

Institute National de Formation et d'
Professionel du Caoutch ouc
60 rue Auber,
Vitry sur Scine, 94408, France
Tel: +33 1 49 60 57 57
Fax: +33 1 49 60 70 66

Laberatoire de Recherches et de
Controle du Caoutch ouc et des Plastiques
60 rue Auber, vitry sur Scine, 94408, France
Tel: +33 1 49 60 57 57
Fax: +33 1 49 60 70 66

BP 643, Libreville, Gabon
Tel: +241 75 83 72
Fax: +241 74 52 47

Deutsches Institut fiir
Kautschuktechnologie e.v.
Eupener Strabe 33, Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49 511 84 201 - 0
Fax: +49 511 83 868 26

Deutsche Kautschuk Gesellschaft
Zeppelinallee 69, 604443 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Tel: +49 69 793 61 53
Fax: +49 69 793 61 55

Ghana Rubber Estates Limited
PO Box 228, Takoradi, Ghana,
Tel: +233 31 22577-9
Fax: +233 31 22518, 23075

Gremial de Huleros de Guatemala
7a Av. 11-63, Zona 9, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Tel: +502 3325259/3321553/3318269
Fax: +502 332 1553

Rubber Board
PB No. 1122, Sub Jail Road,
Kotayam-686 002, Kerala, India
Tel: +91 481 571 231
Fax: +91 481 571 380

Rubber Technology Centre
Indian Institute Technology,
Kharagpur, W.B. 721 302, India
Tel: +91 3222 55221
Fax: +91 3222 55303

Association of Indonesian Rubber Industries
JI Hayan Urur, 0.8,11th Floor,
Room 1150, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 380 5725

Association of Indonesian
Tyre Manufacturers
Jalan Abdul Muis 16, PO
Box 2029 /JKT 10001,
Jakarta, 10160, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 360409

Association of Rubber Gloves Manufacturers
of Indonesia
Gudung Artamas VI Lantai
1,R. 7-8, Jalan Jenderal A,
Yani 2, Pulo Mas, Jakarta, 13210, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 4898979/4898118
Fax: +62 21 4898979

Indonesian Platers' Association for Reserch
And Development
Jalan Tanjung Karang No. 5,
Jakarta, 10230, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 325 473 or +62 21 325 478
Fax: +62 21 325 517

Rubber Association of Indonesia
Jalan Cideng Barat 62A , PO Box 2572, Jakarta,
10150, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 350510
Fax: +62 21 3846811

Polymer Research Center of Iran
PO Box 14185/458, Tehran, 14118, Iran
Tel: 2+98 21 939313
Fax: +98 939637

Society of Israel Plastics & Rubber Industry
29 Hamered Street, PO Box 50022, Tel Aviv
61500, Israel
Tel: +972 3 519 8046/7
Fax: +972 3 519 871

Associazione Italiana Ia Riecerca nell'impiego
Degli Elast.
Via San Vinore 36, Milano, 20123, Italy
Tel: +39 02 4988168

Associazione Italiana Ricostruttori Pneumatici
Via A.G. Ragazzi 9, Anzola Emilia, Bologna,
40011, Italy
Tel: +39 051 733 672/000
Fax: +39 051 731 86

Associazione Nazionale fra le Industrie della
Gomma, Cavi elettrici ed Affini
Via San Vinore 36, Milano, I- 20123, Italy
Tel: +39 02 48 55 801
Fax: +39 02 43 54 32

Italian Ruber Applied Research and
Certification Laboratory
13 Via Privata Cadore, San Giuliano Milanese, Milano, I-
20098, Italy
Tel: +39 02 982 81399
Fax: +39 02 988 0975

Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers
Association, Inc.
No 33 Mori Building, 3-8-21 Toranomon
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105, Japan
Tel: +81 3 3435 9095
Fax: +81 3 3435 9097

Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association
Tohbu Building, -26 Moto Akasaka I-Chome,
Minatoku, Tokyo, 107-0051, Japan
Tel: +81 3 3408 7101
Fax: +81 3 3408 7106

Rubber Trade Association of Japan
Itohpia Daini Odenmacho Building, 7-6 Nihonbashi-
Odenmacho, chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0011, Japan
Tel: +81 3 3666 1460
Fax: +81 3 3668 8462

Synthetic Rubber Industry Association of Japan
C/o Japan petrochemical Industry Association, Room 211,
Lino Building, 2-1-1 Uchisaiwai -cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100, Japan
Tel: +81 3 3501 2427
Fax: +81 3 3501 3895

Korea Tire Manufacturers' Association
Rm No. 1910, Korea World Trade Center, 159
Samsung-Dong, Seoul, Korea Rep,
Tel: +82 2 551 1901/7
Fax: +82 2 551 1910

Korean Institute of Rubber Industry
Dong II Building. #I Ibjecong-dong, Jung-ku,
Seoul, 100-350. Kerea Rep.
Tel: +82 2 268 7229
Fax: +82 2 268 9341

Groupement des Industries du Caoutchouc du
Rue Alcide de Gasperi 7, BPI 304, Luxembourg,
L-1013, Luxdmbourg.
Tel: +352 43 53 66
Fax: +352 43 23 28

Association of Natural Rubber Producing
7th Floor, Babgybab Gath Asli (Menara), 148 Jalan
Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 2611 900
Fax: +60 3 2613 014

Association of Rubber Gloves
Manufacturers of Malaysia
473 Jalan Selesa Satu, Taman Gembira, Jalan
Kuchai Lama, Kuala Lumpur, 58200, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 780 7300
Fax: +60 3 780 7300

International Rubber Association
C/o MRB, 260 Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur,
50450, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 4567033
Fax: +60 3 4560475

Malaysian Automotive Tyre Manufacturers
Industry Group
C/o Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
(FMM), Tingkat 17, Wisma Sime Darby, Jalan
Raja laut, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 293 1244
Fax: +60 3 294 7290

Malaysian Latex and Rubber Thread
Manufactureres' Association
Tingkat 2, Bangunan MARDEC, Jalan Kerja Air
Lama, Ampang Jaya Kuala Lumpur, 68000, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 456 7055
Fax: +60 3 457 4724

Malaysian Rubber Board
PO Box 10150, Kuala Lumpur, 50908, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 456 7033
Fax: +60 3 457 4512

Rubber Industry Smallholders
Development Authority
PO Box 11067, Batu 41/2,
Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: +60 3 456 4022
Fax: +60 3 456 5599
Camara Nacional de la Industria Hulers
Mexican Rubber chamber,
Manuel Maria Contreras 133-115,
Mexico D.F., 06500, Mexico
Tel: +52 5 535 22 66
Fax: +52 5 535 89 17

Common Fund for Commodities
Postbus 74656, Amsterdam,
1070 BR, Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 575 4949
Fax: +31 20 6760 231

Nederlandse Vereniging-van Rubber en
Postbus 418, Vlietweg 16,
Leideschendam, 2266 KA,
Tel: +31 70 317 72 43
Fax: +31 70 317 74 12

Rubber Stitecmng Infermation Centre for
Natural Rubber
PO Box 6031, Delft,
2600 JA, Netherlands,
Tel: +31 15 269 65 96
Fax: +31 15 269 62 80

TNO Institute of Industrial Technology
Schoemakerstraat 97,
PO Box 6031, Delft, 2600 JA,
Tel: +31 15 269 65 33
Fax: +31 15 256 63 08

National Rubber Association of Nigeria
9 Akintola Road, PO Box v 518, Sapele,
Edo State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 54 42 852

Norsk Gummitekniske Forening
C/o Mehren Rubber AS, Box 143, Sand/Vestfold,
N 3070, Norway
Tel: +47 33 77 63 50
Fax: +47 33 47 73 78

Department of Agriculture and Livestock
PO Box 417, Konedobu, Papua. New Guinea.
Fax: +675 3211387

Asian Development Bank
Agriculture and Social Sectors Dept (Exst), #6
ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City,
Metro Manila, 0401, Philippines.

Philippines Rubber Industries Association
PO Box 12511, Ortigas Centre,
Pasig, Philippines.
Tel: +63 2 041 4158
Fax: +63 2 041 4159

Philippine Rubber Industries Association Inc.
PO Box 2093, Makati,
Central Post Office,
Makati, Metro Manila
1260, Philippines
Tel: +63 2 815 0314
Fax: +63 2 815 0396

Polymer Institute
Dept. of Rubber Technology. Technical
University of Lodz
Zwirki 36, Lodz, 90-924,

Associacao Portugesa dos Industriais de Borracha
Rua Eduaredo Torres, 1734
R/c dto., Senhora da Hora
Matosinhos, P-4450
Tel: +351 2 937 39 94
Fax: +351 2 937 39 94

Research Institute for Elastomers Processing,
Sos. Oltenitei 181,
Bucharest RO-79628,
Tel: +40 90 83 41 40

Singapore International Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association
6 Reffles Quay,#10-01,
John Hancock Tower,
048580 , Singapore
Tel: +65 2241 255

Institute of Materials
Ploymer Division PO Box 411222,
Criaghall, 2024,
South Africa.

Consorcio National de Industrales del caucho
Sagasta 13, E- 28004 Madrid, Spain.
Tel: +34 91 445 84 12
Fax: +34 91 447 81 11

Rubber Development Department
PO Box 184, No 320,
TB Jayah Mawatha, Colombo,
10, Sri Lanka,
Tel: +94 1 681 668
Fax: +94 1 681 668

Scandinavian Tyre & Rim Organisation
Box 4179, Malmo 4, 203 13,Sweden.
Tel: +46 40 112083
Fax: +46 40 116870

Sveriges Gummiindustriforening
Box 5501, Stockholm,
S-114 85, Sweden.
Tel: +46 8 783 80 00
Fax: +46 8 663 63 23

Sveriges Gummitekniska Forening
Box 56, Box 350 05, Bor,
S-33015, Sweden.
Tel: +46 370 50880
Fax: +46 370 50888

Reifen-Verband der Schweiz/Association
Suisse du Pneu
Konradstrasse 9, PO Box 7190, Zurich,
CH-8023, Switzerland.
Tel: +41 1 271 90 90
Fax: +41 1 271 92 92

Verband Schweizerischer Gummi-und
Schachenallee 29, Aarau,
CH-5000 Switzerland
Tel: +41 62 23 09 70
Fax: +41 62 8230762

Taiwan Regional Association Of Rubber Industries
7 Ning-Po East Street,
Taipei, Taiwan
Fax: +886 2 341 2691

Office of Replanting Aid Fund
Bangkoknoy-Talingchan Road,
District, Bangkok
10700 Thailand.
Tel: +66 2 434 0181
Fax: +66 2 433 649

Rubber Research Institute Department of Agriculture,
Chatuchak, Bangkok,

10900, Thailand.
Tel: +66 2 579 7557-8
Fax: +66 2 561 4744

Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute
PO Box 7065, Kampala,

The Executive Director  Association of the International Rubber Trade
A1st Floor, Wigham House,
16/30 wakering Road,
Barking, Essex, IGII 8PG,UK
Tel: +44 181 594 5346
Fax: +44 181 507 8017

The Director British Rubber Manufacturers' Association
90 Totenham Court Road,
Tel: +44 171 580 2794
Fax: +44 171 631 5471

The Secretary-General European Synthetic Rubber Association
Suite 203, Britannia House,
1-11 Glenthorne Road,
London, W6 OLF, UK
Tel: +44 181 748 3955
Fax: +44 181 748 3898

London School of Plymer Technology
University of North London,
166 Holloway Road, London,
N7 8DB, UK
Tel: +44 171 753 5128

National Tyre Distributors' Association
Elsinore House.
Buckingham Street,
Aylesbury, Backs.,
HP20 2NQ, UK.
Tel: +44 1296 395933
Fax: +44 1296 88675

Internation Tire and Rubber Association
PO Box 17203, Louisville,
KY, 40217, USA
Tel: +1 502 968 8900 or +1800 426 8835
Fax: +1 502 964 7859

The Corporate Secretary
Rubber Trade Association of North America Inc.
220 Maple Avenue - Suite 205,
PO Box 196,
Rockville Center. New York,
NY 11571, USA
Tel: +1 516 536 7228
Fax: +1 516 536 3771

Tire and Rim Association Inc.
175 Montrose West Avenue,
Suite 150, Copley,
OH, 44321, USA
Tel: +1 330 666 8121
Fax: +1 330 666 8340

The Deputy Director General Vietnam General Rubber Corporation
236 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia,
District 3, Ho Chi Minh City,
Tel: +84 8 82 2523/90340/93230
Fax: +84 8 82 97341

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