We are manufacture of Moulded Rubber Components like 'O' rings, Oil Seals, Gasket, Bushings, Cords, Diaphragm, Bellows etc.
We are in this Business for last 15 years.
We have various sizes of moulding Presses 6" x 6" --- 1 No. 10" x 10" --- 1 No. 12" x 12" ---2 Nos. 16" x 16" --- 1 No. 12" x 12" --- 1 No. Hydraullic Press.
Machine Shop :- ½" DRILL M/C --- 1 No. Trimming M/C --- 3, Buffing M/C 1 No. Bench Grinder 1 No. Compressor --- 1 No.
We have also Lab setup of Physical as well as Chemical Testing for testing Physical and Chemical Properties of Rubber
Physical Test Lab We have --- Tensile testing M/C --- 1 No., Muffle Furnace --- 1 No., Ageing Oven --- 1 No.,
Chemical Test Lab We have --- Melting Point Apparatus --- 1 No., and fully setup with all detergents and solvents, to find out Chemical Properties of Rubber.