Advance Petrochemicals Ltd. is a pioneer manufacturing company & supplier of surface Active agent (Surfactant or Emulsifier), Solvents, Alkyl Aryl Ethanolamine, Ethanolamine, Automotive products & Aircraft chemicals. we have a tremendous history that encompasses almost 20 years with new advance in technology, new eluviations to innovative ideas. Initially this company had started as partner- ship concern & formed a public limited company in 1985. First the company had concentrated on textile & leather industries but gradually it’s started manufacturing various products based upon Ethylene Oxide. Manufacturing unit of company is situated in outskirt of Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad is not only a mega city in India but also one of major business centre. It not only connects all parts of India but also few foreign countries through air & road.
Mfrs of Chemicals-4 Brake DOT Fluid,Surface Active Agent, Demulsifier,FSII, etc..
Dealer in specialized chemicals used in Automobile, Air Craft, Textile, Refinery, Crude oil, Leather, Pesticide, Paint, Lubricant, Wood, Masonry, Food, Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical, Metal,etc..
Company has accredited ISO 9001-2001 in year 2001 & other certifications are in progress. We are offering our product in most competitive price & best quality compared to others.
Advance Petrochemicals Ltd. has developed the best economical and effective product with its own research and development and always catering the customer’s requirement and need.